A woman armed only with ski poles walks across the ice on Mill Pond. Given that temperatures have only just dipped low enough to freeze this body of water, I’m not sure the ice is all that thick.

A woman armed only with ski poles walks across the ice on Mill Pond. Given that temperatures have only just dipped low enough to freeze this body of water, I’m not sure the ice is all that thick.
The robin from yesterday’s post was out picking berries. I wonder if they’re sweet, like the frozen grapes used to make icewine.
This isn’t likely the first robin of spring – this was taken yesterday, January 2, at the start of a particularly deep freeze in this area. The temperature yesterday was -17 Celsius, but with the wind felt like -28. Makes you wonder what the heck this robin was doing!
It seems every time I try some high-speed water droplet photography, I get a key component wrong. Yet each time, I get lucky: the resemblance of this water to a killer whale seems uncanny!
My daughter, age three. Happy New Year, everyone.
A dark, dreary, dank parking garage.
A chain that was used to block off a parking lot lies piled on the ground.
A parking lot doesn’t seem to me to be a good place to leave a container of lighter fluid.
More of the sparrows from yesterday’s post.
A pair of sparrows rest on a hedge.