Nothing like a board game to pass the time.

Nothing like a board game to pass the time.
Another shot of the Underwood I picked up at an antique market a couple of weekends ago. For this shot – and yesterday’s post – the only light source was a single candle.
I found an old Underwood typewriter at an antique market a couple of weeks ago. Fact: the longest word you can type using only the top row of keys on a typewriter (or modern day keyboard) is typewriter.
A small crowd gathers to take a look at one of Ontario’s air ambulances, run by Ornge (sic), at Buttonville airport. Minutes before, paramedics had transferred a patient from the helicopter, call sign 799 Medevac, to a waiting ground ambulance.
Spotted just above the runway at Buttonville Airport, in Markham. The angle of this shot makes it appear like it was taken at a much higher altitude when in fact I was standing on a picnic table firmly planted on the ground.
A weather vane.
My parents’ dog, Daisy.
At the foot of Jarvis Street, where it meets Queens Quay.
One day I’ll get around to taking this bike out for a ride. I have to get the tires inflated first, though.
The mast of the Kajama appears to tower above the Canada Malting Co. plant downtown.