Three horses, on a farm near Victoria Square. The horse on the right is the same one as in this post.

Three horses, on a farm near Victoria Square. The horse on the right is the same one as in this post.
A man wearing the Shriners’ distinctive Fez hat at the Tall Ships festival several weeks ago. I know the Shriners do a lot of good, but I don’t think I’d ever leave the house looking like this.
A woman kayaks on Lake Ontario, surrounded by much larger boats.
This little duckling was all by himself. Seen at Harbourfront.
Seen at Harbourfront.
A recent sunset over Richmond Hill.
Seen out on Lake Ontario a couple of weeks ago.
Another stilt performer, this time dressed to resemble a Mountie.
Yesterday’s same street performer parked for a rest in a No Parking zone.
A street performer during the Tall Ships festival a few weeks ago.