The Snowbirds head straight for the crowd at the 2009 Toronto International Air Show.

The Snowbirds head straight for the crowd at the 2009 Toronto International Air Show.
I likely won’t get to the 2010 Toronto International Air Show, this weekend as part of the CNE, so for the next few days I’m posting some pics from last year’s Air Show that I didn’t get to use then.
It looks like this farm northeast of Toronto is going to have a pretty good crop this year.
A raptor of some sort (osprey, hawk, falcon?) is chased by two other birds.
The back end of an antique Ford.
Spotted on the grounds of the Queen’s Landing Inn, in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Must have been a good party.
A laker crosses Lake Ontario while a barrel bobs close to shore.
On the side of a building in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
A strong sun pokes holes through developing storm clouds.
An airliner navigates through a gap in the clouds.