Men on a platform paint the rest of the building next door.

Men on a platform paint the rest of the building next door.
A man lies perilously close to the edge of the roof of the building next door in order to do a bit of painting on the side.
I’ve been stuck at home for three days with a cold, so finding things of which to take pictures has had to involve some creativity. This is the view through my peephole.
An American Airlines flight touches down on Pearson’s runway 33L on a blustery Friday afternoon.
The radar tower at Pearson airport, seen across runway 15R/33L.
Sunsets look so much better from 11 floors up.
Another amazing sunset over Richmond Hill.
More signs of Fall, downtown near the ferry docks.
Some of the colours of Fall, which are fading fast.
Queens Quay and Bay Street.