The north side of a park east of Yonge, near Davisville.

The north side of a park east of Yonge, near Davisville.
A small park east of Yonge Street, near Davisville.
Looking south over Davisville subway yard.
A northbound subway train, at Davisville station, in Toronto.
I’m not sure you can put much more stuff in that window. Yonge Street, north of Davisville.
The front end of an Audi sports car emerges from a parking lot near Davisville subway station, in Toronto.
An airliner flies directly overhead. Shot in infrared because that’s the camera I had in my hand at the time.
The mesh screen from one of my windows.
A man walking next door does some texting on his phone.
Dark clouds and bright sun present a mixed bag of sky at sunset.